Yes YOU…you are worthy – beyond what you give yourself permission to see, understand, grasp…ACCEPT & APPRECIATE. Those two are big ones…right: not just accepting but also appreciating! WOW!!
You my friend are a unique individual! Take time to think about it and maybe write a few things down, because you are! And then maybe revisit this question and how you see yourself from time to time.
So much that if you tap into the value of WHO YOU ARE: not what the world tries to categorize us as or what our insecurities try to steer us towards but – what makes you, YOU?!!? Seeking this, I sincerely believe you can help make a positive difference…in yourself, for yourself but also for others around you and those who walk with you closely day in & out!
Trust me…work in progress here! Working every day on these exact things as we speak (plus a heck of a lot more). That’s why I want to reach out and give you a hug – for your heart & mind. If we can work on believing in ourselves and allowing ourselves PERMISSION to accept our good & the not so good: working to improve where we need to improve while also feeding our inner goodness to continue refreshing our souls…can we dare to image how fulfilling that would feel?!!? How bright you would shine?!!? Others seeing the lightheartedness that radiates from us and the positive chain reaction it can create. All starting with one step and keep taking those steps. Even if sometimes those steps go backwards, which they will BUT we won’t stay there! There’s more to our story than a slimy pit! We’re climbers baby! 😉
Will we be perfect? NO – never! But that my friend is not what we are striving for.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross once said, “There is within each one of us a potential for goodness beyond our imagining; for giving which seeks no reward; for listening without judgment; for loving unconditionally.” (Quote credit from: Your Inner Goodness: kabbalah.com)
May we say YES to the pull of wanting to love and accept who we are and what we are capable of. It’s definitely hard but not impossible (impossible = I’M POSSIBLE). I believe in you AND I believe in God above who believes in us and never stops working!
NOTE: Nothing I share is because I have it all together or figured out. Lord knows we’re all a ‘hot mess’ in our own ways. This is all just me working to step outside my comfort zone to say yes to the pull in my heart to pour out love because we all struggle with the world around us and doubt that lives within us.