How do you Refresh?!?
When we do things that bring us joy, there’s something about it that you CONNECT with because you’re DRAWN to it. Therefore it is refreshing to your soul. When we stop and ‘feel into‘ what this means to our whole being: mind & body – we renew a source energy that maybe we’ve pushed to the back burner due to plugging along with all other thoughts, feelings, schedules – all kinds of life stressors.
A BIG key word I’m in the process of learning is: PERMISSION (note: I spent time working through BodyMind Coaching – my coach is hands down amazing. I will list her information under the resource page).
This probably sounds crazy that we need to give ourselves permission but think about it and how true it really is. We don’t give ourselves permission, or allow ourselves without guilt or judgment to: (*insert a positive) because (*insert a negative) : example…I don’t give myself permission to rest because the world ‘says’ we ‘should’ stay busy. However, if we give ourselves permission to rest, why is that a bad thing? Is it because the world might have a certain view on rest vs how busy one is?!? If we don’t rest, we start pouring from an empty cup, become worn down and at wits end. As for the world, it keeps turning – whether we are living our best life or if we are trying to live according to how we think we ‘should’ live. Do we want to live for us and our values OR worldly views and influences?!? Which sounds more fulfilling?!? (of course, permission to rest is just one example)
Therefore, how do you want to take more time refreshing your soul for what fills you: mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually…??? There are small ways where we can take a few minutes here and there to ‘just be’ AND/OR there are bigger ways that take us away from things for a larger chunk of time. Both of which require us to be INTENTIONAL.
Small ways: learn short mediation techniques, Pinterest, quick reads/devotionals, walks/hikes/bike rides/horseback riding, send a friend a smile because you are thinking of them, following this website (subscribe here)…
Bigger ways: coaching or joining a group that resonates with you, mani/pedi, massage, getting your hair done, road trips, mini vacations or planning a bigger vacation…
In general: journaling, drawing/painting, reading, listening to music, singing in the car, dancing in your living room, exercising, photography, cooking/baking, dates with significant other (and/or friends), dates with your kiddos (family time or one-on-one time) …
Keep in mind: your interests may change – and that’s ok! Change it up for what feels right.