About Me
I was at a women’s luncheon with a friend and the speaker named a few ways to describe herself. One of which was that she loved inspirational quotes. I never really thought of that as being a way to describe one’s self, even though it is a big one for me. I love to peruse Pinterest and read inspirational quotes. It’s part of my rest, remind and restore process.
What else?!? Well…My God – My Husband and My Girls are at the core of my personal values and I am beyond grateful for each of my blessings!
The outdoors – I love the great outdoors! Our family vacations growing up were camping trips and the mountains are still my happy place today. Hikes, waterfalls, nature sightings, the smell of the woods, the way the sun peeks through the trees and kisses the forest! And of course campfires! The smell and the mesmerizing fire burning is relaxing in it’s own sense. While being able to see the red hot coals and saying: now them there are some good smellow making coals (our girls used to call marshmallows – ‘smellows’). So, sharing the love of all these things with our girls is so fulfilling. We usually tent camp but as we find ourselves aging – adding in cabin rentals somewhere for a different experience is quite lovely! In which I’ll share under a traveling page because I love planning trips and learning what’s in different areas!
You might be thinking you prefer the beach. That too is a fun and relaxing experience for it’s own reasons that I have come to cherish. If you know me, then you know finding treasures has become a favorite thing. I could walk and walk – looking and looking – for treasures that have been washed up. But also listening to the ocean (and silly seagulls). AND of course – don’t forget the fun of splashing in the water and boogie boarding with our kiddos! Might I also add: I’ve come a long way with the whole ocean thing – since the thought of sharks freak me out. I used to jump and flail around if I stepped on something or felt something brush up against me (fine print here: I’m not saying I’ve completely outgrown this – insert cheesy grin).
Kitchen time: Cooking, Baking and Grilling – I love making things and sharing. Definitely something I hope people remember me by! As well as passing along time together with my girls in the kitchen and them ‘learning the ropes’. My mom used to say: some messes are worth it. It’s very true. Things can be cleaned up and the time together is priceless!
Animal lover – how this is this far down on the list, I am not sure. I grew up with dogs and cannot imagine life without the unconditional love that a dog shares. Happy tail wags, goofy ‘smiles’, sloppy kisses and just always that happy go lucky pal that walks this life with you loving with a love that is indescribable. Fun side thought: knowing how dogs love like no other, did you know that Dog is God spelled backwards?!!? Just saying! 🙂
NEXT UP on the list of animals – horses! I have ALWAYS loved horses and when you are told to never give up on a dream – absolutely DO NOT! We now own two beautiful horses, in which still doesn’t seem real to say! But here we are – living one day at a time…learning, loving, giving kissy faces, spoiling them and did I mention – learning?!? 🙂
So – that’s me…in a nut shell. Oh, and laughter. I definitely like to keep a fun-loving spirit because without laughter, life is boring.

* Above photo taken by: Jordyn Haines