Passionately PurposeFULL

Roots & Wings

WOW!! I cannot believe how fast these little buggers grew!

Last year, I was excited to paint our front door and purchase a wreath to dress up the front porch. Walking out the one day, I noticed a nest was built in it. Then not long after, an egg! I got so excited and thought: I can’t keep the wreath on the front door. It’s not safe with it getting opened and closed all the time. So, I moved it to a decorative door we have in the corner.

The momma Robin had her babies but I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to it then. But when putting the wreath away, I left the nest as it was, in the wreath. When getting it out this year, I thought: we’ll see if a momma finds it a bit easier and uses the premade nest. One did!! šŸ™‚

This year, I purposely took time to peer into the nest on and off. I was in awe when stopping to think about it yesterday and looking back on when I took the first picture. The top left picture was May 6th. The top right picture was yesterday, May 16th. In which, when coming home, there was one perched on the nest looking like it was ready to take flight. I didn’t know if maybe I scared it or if it was actually ready. When I came back out a bit later, sure enough, little birdie was gone and these two were left. Then later in the day, another one stood and was ready to take flight. I gasped and told the girls: “our kids are taking flight!! They grew up so fast!” In which, they were not surprised and said: “well, they aren’t our kids (lol) but yeah mommy – birds grow up really fast.” I was like: “yes, but it was 10 days…only 10 days ago that they were so little with hardly any feathers and helpless and now…now – they are leaving!” I said: “thank God you girls don’t grow up that fast!”

But seriously – think about it! WOWZERS!

TIME FLIES!!! Every year we think, where is the time going?!? Someday we’re going to be left with what we can hold onto within our hearts and what we let go of while our babies take flight! How are we preparing them for the world around them and the home they know they can always return to? We are blessed with that ability. Unlike these little birds who will be on their own. Growing our children to know who they are (their roots) while hoping they build confidence to soar is not an easy task.

I know my heart felt different things and the girls witnessed the emotions their mom felt for the miracle within nature. These are not my kids but I was sad to think that their time to leave came so fast. While remembering the thought when seeing them perched: are they ready? They knew it was time.

There’s now an empty nest outside and some day, we’ll have an empty nest (tears) – and some of you are already in the ’empty nest stage of life’. It’s the in between we get to live out each day! As well as the ‘nest’ (home) we build and keep open for their return (online description of a what a nest represents: love, commitment and effort it takes to build a happy home).

  • May your now, the in between and the nest you keep alive be blessed and cherished! Love & Hugs! xoxo

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” – Ecclesiastes 3:11

Picture Credit: Tammy Haines – – Quote Credit: Google Search