Feel Goods & FunniesPassionately PurposeFULL

Rainy Day Bucket List

Hello out there! Yes, it has been a while. I paused this website to savor in summer days as I knew it would fly by way too fast. I also took time building upon my baking biz (definitely an exciting journey and so thankful for each opportunity to date)!! πŸ™‚

But I am back!! I have missed you all so I knew I wanted to get back in my computer chair and keep this good thing going. What better time than the present to do so – right?!? Especially since it is a very rainy day here. However, still not as bad as some are getting hit with hurricane Ida. So many prayers surrounding everyone and on all levels for what people are facing with this disaster. πŸ™

Before jumping into the image below, if it feels right, maybe pause for a quiet moment – sending love and well wishes to many in need (even if it’s just to yourself…it all counts and is appreciated even though many affected are strangers)! xoxo

Regarding the image below: I think it’s a ‘cozy’ perspective for yucky days. Whether you can take advantage of it at any given time throughout the day or maybe after work. The part I take away is: soak in some stillness. Maybe ‘blah days’ are a way of seeing things through different lenses. Things we normally take for granted or ways we can change our pace. Even through a cup of coffee or tea – we can ’embrace’ the sense of calm it can bring if we allow ourselves to drink in thoughts while sipping away. It can be 5 minutes of letting our head and heart wonder. It doesn’t need to be throughout the whole cup. But maybe those couple of minutes can help reset the ‘crazy’ we can tend to feel. Especially with the whirlwind of thoughts, feelings and just worldly ‘junk’ that’s taking place over the last year and a half.

  • Remember you are worth MOMENTS!
  • Remember that you are the one who can create these moments!
  • You are amazing!
  • Pause – Reflect on what you have (and who you have) – and then smile before moving on!

You know a simple thing I decided to do and bring an added – YAY – to the day? I put out some Fall decorations. WHY? It seems kind of early, right. But…I said – meh…I can and why not! And it felt good. πŸ™‚

What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? You can message me by filling out the little ‘form’ below!

Picture Credit: Pinterest (takes you to Etsy: RoseHillDesignStudio)