Feel Goods & Funnies

1st Set of Flowers

So… I had to laugh.

I purchased two flower pots, brought them home and before running back out for groceries I went to get in my car and chuckled with the thought: For Tammy and getting flowers, God said… Let there be rain (for we know she’s gonna need help and at least a head start)! 😂 Thank you Jesus!! ❤️

My Momma loved the looks of flowers but in her words: “I don’t have a green thumb.” So, I suppose I took the same path. However, I’m slowly trying.

Also, this is my favorite tree – our Cherry Tree!

Here’s to our Spring rain – a nice gentle rain. May our plants drink in the loveliness and bloom!

Picture Credit: Tammy Haines
Picture Credit: Tammy Haines