Passionately PurposeFULL

Spring: Life Transformation

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Brene Brown (Quote found on Pinterest but takes you to:

I love Spring and how nature does it’s thing – bringing life back into what once looked dead for the Winter. It makes me think of the word transformation. And then reading this quote, I thought WOW!

Looking at this in ‘pieces’:

  • The tree looked desolate: (adj) a state of bleak and dismal emptiness; (v) bleakly and depressingly empty or bare
  • BUT THEN – a new season comes and brings forth new life

Putting the two thoughts together: the tree doesn’t ask the world what it needs. It ‘knows’ what it needs from within and it just does it’s thing. It pulls what it needs based upon it’s natural calling.

What about us? We aren’t all that much different in this example. We are our own person, uniquely created: fearfully and wonderfully made! What makes YOU come alive? AND, who / what fuels us (feeds us), with what sets our souls on fire to be alive? You know…your tribe, the ones that “know the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you forget the words.” (quote: unknown but found through a google search)

It starts with us and our inner selves but who and what we surround ourselves with helps us along the way (kind of like the sun and rain for each plant)!

Winter can be a gloomy season, which can create a state of feeling bleak. But look at the beautiful transformation: from bare branches – to buds – to flowers – then leaves. All part of it’s process in order to stand tall, full of life and being all of which it knows to be!

Life is definitely a process. Some are shorter than others but somewhere along the way and/or at the end of each situation – there’s beauty in there somewhere. Remember to ask yourself: what makes me come alive? Then follow the song within your heart!

I am proud of you and send tons of love and hugs!!! xoxo πŸ™‚