A New Day’s Dawn
“I look out the window and what do I see? A sky that is calling to me! The winter air is still, the birds greet the new day with a song, the sky catches my eye and I want to capture it before moving along.” – Me
- See the sky – don’t let it pass you by
- Feel the stillness in the morning air
- Hear the birds greet the day (“No matter what yesterday was like, birds always start the new day with a song.” – Unknown…found it online)
We don’t always need to look for big changes to take place or appear. Maybe it’s about us making changes in order to see more of the beauty that surrounds us each day.
Moving towards being more purposeful doesn’t need to be carving out lots of time in a day. Simply hitting the pause button for a moment to soak in what calls to us can make a difference too:
- Hey, Look! Something around you, someone’s smile…
- Mmm…what’s that wonderful smell?
- Do you hear that? The birds singing, children’s laughter, the waves of the ocean, seagulls chattering, leaves or snow crunching under your feet…
- The taste of loveliness over your taste buds.
- What about the way something feels? Cozy blankets, a warm hug, animal cuddles, holding someone’s hand, a kiss, a hot shower…
I love you and I’m thankful for each new sunrise we share together!! Sing a song within your heart and have an awesome day!! xoxo