Smoke Alarms Work (LOL)
So last night was a bit of a circus in the Haines home (ok, a different kind of circus than normal). 🙂
Marc was making his delicious wings for supper and the running joke has been: if he sets off the smoke alarm, it’s going to be a good batch.
Well…did he set off the ALARMS for sure! ALL of the alarms in the house were going off (not just the one by the kitchen like other times)! I’m bouncing between opening up windows and trying to fan the downstairs alarm with a dishtowel. Our one dog is running around barking. I look in the kitchen and he’s pulling out a tray that was on fire – along with the oven mitt that had also caught on fire! He scurried to the sliding glass door to the deck to put it all out in the snow quick. I’m running upstairs to open windows.
For REALS!!!!!
And you might be thinking: well, were they a good batch?!!? lol Yeppers – probably one of the best batches in a while! (laughing now…now being the key word)
And during prayer, the girls said (something to the extent of): and thank you for the snow for Daddy to get the fire put out in! (sweet ‘ice breaker’ through the mouths of babes) xoxo
- NOTE: it wasn’t a blazing fire that I’m describing – just enough for a definite: think fast and pucker moment (just wanted to make sure I was clear and not scaring anyone) 🙂

On a side note that came to mind while typing this, I do have to give kuddos to the Pampered Chef Oven Mitt he had on. They are definitely heavy duty and have been great for working with the grill too. Otherwise, I use smaller hot pads on a more regular basis. We have had these oven mitts for some time now so I do not believe they are available anymore but it’s an eye opener for having good quality oven mitts, that’s for sure!

- With mentioning Pampered Chef, I would recommend Jennifer Shearer. I met Jenn at a vendor event we did together several years ago. She’s an all around fantastic gal. 🙂
- Facebook: Jen’s Pampered Chef Page, Independent Consultant
- Her Pampered Chef Online Link: Click Here
Smoke Alarm information as per online: Smoke alarm powered by a nine-volt battery:
- Test the alarm monthly. Replace the batteries at least once every year. Replace the entire smoke alarm every 10 years.
- Well, I suppose we can check off testing the alarms for the month of February! (LOL) 🙂
- (information found through a Google Search)