Saying Yes: Different Perspective
In my previous “Saying Yes” post, it was in regards to reaching out (following a feeling within) and/or accepting kind gestures.
A new spin that came to me this week was how saying yes…’stepping out in faith’ (as a dear friend put it), can also move mountains.
I was presented with an opportunity to make a dessert for a bridal shower. It is something I have never done but with all my being I was so excited and said: YES…I’d love to!!! Below is what I picked to create and I have not stopped sending up thanks for how they turned out (tasty & pretty)! 🙂
In regards to the quote I put with the pictures: Was I afraid? Well, I was nervous – absolutely! Is it changing things? I certainly hope so. The bride-to-be reached out asking if I’d do a dessert for their rehearsal dinner (I can’t even express my excitement in words here)!!!
May this first step bring more opportunities because through this, I have realized how much baking truly is a part of me. I mean, I knew I loved it but something new is stirring inside of me and it feels AWESOME!!
Maybe there is something within you that tugs at your heart to try that you haven’t before because of the: well, what if this…or what if that…
From me to you – – go for it!!! I’m excited for you to tap into your source energy and see how it goes. Not everything we try will be a lifelong journey, and that’s ok. Even if it’s for a season in our lives – if it brings us joy…why not go out on a limb?!!? 🙂
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.” – Unknown

Here’s an added collage of a few different treats I’ve baked.
- Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins (made them mini muffins AND I might try using raisins w/walnuts as an option as well)
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Cinnamon Sugar ‘donuts’ (baked, not fried)
These are just a few quick pics I’ve pulled together. I have things I’ve always loved to make but I also enjoy trying new items as well. If you’d like sweets for an occasion but don’t feel like baking, please keep me in mind (assuming you’re local of course)! I definitely put my heart into it!! 🙂 Thank You!! 🙂

- NOTE: I make smaller sweets – I haven’t gotten into cakes. That whole making them look gorgeous, not my forte (lol). Or shall I stay positive and say: not yet anyway! Maybe we’ll put that in a ‘some day’ category! 🙂