Help for Winter Hands
Oh how I wish I would have taken a before and after picture.
The tops of my hands…ouchy – to say the least. Red, cracked…just miserable. Tis the season for dry hands in general but more time in the kitchen also means washing & drying ones hands more, so that of course adds to it super fast.
The lotion is a good lotion in general, but I saw our grape seed oil and thought: what if I added a smidge of that to it, would that possibly help faster?!!? It totally did!!! I was honestly shocked! The next day I started about my day and then realized…hey, my hands – they are so much better already! I showed our girls and said: LOOK…remember what they looked like and how I said they hurt – feel them!! 🙂 They of course were not as enthusiastic as I was but….they also weren’t the ones with burning hands (lol)!
At any rate, I wanted to pass it along in case anyone else could use some winter hand magic. I know everyone is different and how it may or may not work but, it’s worth a try. My hands are basically back to ‘normal’ after two days. I put it on at night, after my shower and before crawling into bed. NOTE: I did wipe it off the palm of my hands with a towel (and my finger tips) – just so they weren’t oily.
(I looked real quick and you can find them on Amazon or at Target)